Monday 21 April 2014

Evaluation - Question #3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Due to various factors it looks like my film would be distributed my an indie company over a big company like Fox or Sony. One of the reasons I suggest this is that I have used 'unknown' actors. There is a bigger chance that an independent company would distribute my film then one of the big ones due to my film having no A-List actors. Studios would rather distribute films with A-Listers as they have a bigger chance of bringing in the success. However some films distributed by independent companies do have big stars in their cast. For example The King's Speech had Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter and Geoffrey Rush playing the leads. All three being very big in the entertainment business.
Another reason an indie company would be more likely to distribute my film is because of franchises. A film like Skyfall is part of the mega-successful franchise that is James Bond. A bigger company would distribute a James Bond film as they are guaranteed success. James Bond is a household name and almost everyone and their grandmother will want to go see this film at the cinema. The bigger company will be able to distribute the film to all these people in all the different countries with ease. As my film isn't part of one of these well-known franchises it is will not be as eagerly anticipated. Therefore it wouldn't need to be distributed to all the different territories.
There is also the fact that my film doesn't have a typical 'Hollywood' storyline.A lot of indoes produce unique films and that's what I fell my film is.
Also, as I have created a small, British film, it is more likely to receive success in the UK than any other country.
However it may not be safe to distribute to cinemas at all. Due to all the features missing in my film that you can find in mainstream blockbusters (A-list actors, huge budget), more money could be spent on distributing to cinemas than what is grossed in return. There is the choice of distributing straight to online services such as Netflix and iTunes. These are global names, a huge number of people around the  world use these services. There is also the film Joss Whedon wrote that was recently released: In Your Eyes. This film was distributed online through vimeo. The public were able to purchase the film for $5 and watch it through the website. This could be a good pathway for my film.

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