Monday 24 February 2014

Monday 10 February 2014

3 Film Ideas

Idea 1: 
Genre: Action/Spy/Thriller
Main story: After being suspended by the intelligence agency secret agent Clancy Thompson has to go on an extreme adventure across the world alone tracking down a group of lethal terrorists. Luckily, to help him along the way he'll assemble a team of highly-skilled personalities to give him some extra back-up to defeat these harsh criminals.
The opening: It would be about Clancy Thompson working through a shopping centre's car park to get to the terrorist's bomb to disable it. Along the way he'll have to face multiple terrorists. At the end of the opening the terrorists will escape whilst taking a civilian hostage. This is the reason why Clancy will be suspended.
Protagonist: Clancy Thompson. One of the best secret agents in the world. Excellent hand-to-hand fighter. Excellent with firearms. Intelligent in his line of work but average intelligence overall. Sometimes too keen/eager; which leads him into trouble.
Antagonist: Tyreese Blonsky. He is the leader of the terrorist group. Born in London. Devious, cunning, evil.
Type of movie: This would be a big budget American Hollywood movie. My target audience would be males in their 40s and male teenagers. Especially aimed at the ones that love action films (generally 80s ones). It would be similar to films such as: Mission Impossible, Die Hard. When looking at Die Hard's Facebook page every comment on one particular post that I saw was from a man. The main age range seemed to be 30-50. I'm aiming to appeal to this audience so I would use similar techniques to Die Hard. For example some great features include: lots of explosions; big fight scenes; a likeable, funny, witty central character etc.

Idea 2:
Genre: Detective/Crime/Drama
Main story: A detective (Blake Johnson) is close to retirement and is on one last case before he stops, but this case is tough.
The opening: This would be set in the streets of London. It would be about Blake catching an average crook. He describes 'rules' of being a detective throughout the opening.
Protagonist: Blake Johnson. Aged 50. A very, very good detective. Not very fit compared to others in the business (mainly due to his age).
Antagonist: Mike Scalone. Late 40s. A high-level crime-lord.
Type of movie: This film wouldn't be a big blockbuster but also isn't a small budget indie film. My target audience for this film would be males in their 20s+. Similar to films such as: Goodfellas. As inspiration from Goodfellas my film would use techniques like: a large but interesting amount of characters (detectives, criminals etc.); a voiceover going over the majority of the film; being set over different decades of time.

Idea 3:
Genre: Horror/Detective/Thriller
Main story: A detective is sent on a long spiralling mystery as he tries his hardest to catch the only criminal left in his safe haven town.
The opening: It would be focused on the antagonist, this is to give a big focus on how smart, deadly etc. he is. The general story behind this opening is that this criminal lures a victim into his home and murders him.
Protagonist: Detective Brian Blunt, the 29 year old that is almost forced to leave his job due to the lack of crime. He’s smart but quite rusty thanks to obvious reasons.
Antagonist: Simon Teller. Simon is a veteran in the killing business; he used to terrorize the town many years ago when he was just a kid. However he was forced to stop when the heat became too large. Back then Simon was killing for vengeance (the cops failed to save his sister in time when she was in danger), but this time there is a much different reason. Simon has always wanted to be a world-famous cook. To enlarge the chances of him becoming the world’s greatest, he decides to kill the other chefs competing in the same competition that he is.
Type of film: This would be an indie film with a low budget. Due to the lack of funds the film would have little to no special effects. My target audience for this film would be both sexes (but predominantly males) in the age range of 16-27. The film would be similar to: Silence of the Lambs, Prisoners. The film I would create would be similar to Silence of the Lambs in the way that there is quite a large focus on the antagonist. As for Prisoners, it would be similar to that by having lots of shocking twists, as well as moments which build up a lot of (and sometimes unbearable) tension.

I have opted for the third idea as I believe I will create the strongest and most creative script with this concept. I also think that visually I would make the most impressive film possible through the use of camera angles and mise-en-scne etc. using this idea.